Well, never in a million. Never would I have imagined that we’d be in a place where we had to close school for six weeks. But, here we are. And though I am still processing what “here” is for the short and long term, one thing that is real in the surreality of it all is that we will not be together for some time.
At present, I am not sure what the academic end of it will look like. Still waiting on guidance from our district, who’s doing their best to navigate these new waters, trying to find answers to questions we never expected to ask. I am proud that they are first focusing on what I believe matters more: feeding and taking care of our neediest kids. Academics can wait. People are the primary pieces to this puzzle.
And so, for me, my greatest concern rests in how I can continue to cultivate connection in this time of isolation. I will still attempt to conduct Smiles and Frowns via Google Classroom with my kids. I will also continue to compose and share daily #MyRoomMessages and #SappySyRhymes. Won’t be the same with the distance, but my hope is that I can help us feel less-far away. Not sure what else to do.
As for Project 180, I think I will continue to post daily, but admittedly without my classroom connection and regular reflection, material will be harder to come by. So, for now, I will take it one day at a time, just as I’m sure many of you are as we make our way through this strange time, trying to put the pieces together.
Please reach out if I can be of any help. Take care of yourselves and each other. We will make it through this.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.