Day Thirty Eight. Morning, all. Not feeling it today. Finding it hard to muster any inspiration. Realizing now how much of that depended on my being in the classroom with my kids. They led me to my words. But the seats are empty. And, despite my earnest search, I cannot find my kids. I cannot find my words. So, I’m gonna bow out this morning. Be back tomorrow. Stay safe.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
I hear you. Some days are better than others. There are so many articles floating around as to why we are motivated, and then not. I appreciate you giving yourself a break- and modeling that for us all. I’ve had to channel my inner Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” And I like how the quote doesn’t say “embracing the new,” because I am not. But I AM building a “new” and trying to embed the old parts of my life (my regular little routines at home) into this new part that makes me feel so much more isolated. The other thing I realized this past weekend was that my life has become more reactive than proactive and I am balking at that. Instead of walking down the hall and seeing the students smiling, saying hi, exchanging the goodness, I am ONLY hearing more from those who are struggling or need help, so my leadership has changed in ways I did not expect. Anyway, my long vent was to say I hear you. I appreciate your real days of not “feeling it”. I felt bad that I was having more of those, and when I realize it’s a by-product of this crazy, new “normal”, I forgive myself more easily. My best, and in good health, Kristin
Thank you for taking the time to check in with me, Kristin. Your kind support means a lot. Thank you. Take care.