Is it my job to teach kids responsibility? Can I teach responsibility? I’m not sure. Seems a tall order. Responsibility is a big word, and an even bigger idea–insofar that it is no simple thing to teach, and it is a lifelong learn. Adult doesn’t automatically equal responsible. And, well, these are kids….
Maybe my job is to provide kids with responsibilities. And from those they will perhaps take something forward from the experience of learning with, rather than from responsibilities. Their own lifelong learn.
With that in mind, here are the Responsibilities that complement the Rights in room 206.

It is rare that I ever make it past the “reminders” and “conversations.” These are moments through which we can connect, consider, and work with responsibility. I have found conversations tend to do more than consequences, especially when it comes to creating commitment, not compliance, and my longtime readers know I care not for compliance. I seek commitment.
This is how I attempt to create “responsibility experiences” with cellphones.

Not perfect. Likely never will be. But it’s my now, until I find a later better.
In the end, I just want to provide my kids with responsibilities to experience and maybe–hopefully–learn from.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.