Twenty days in and this traveler is tired. Woke up at 3:00 and thought to get twenty more minutes of slumber, but that turned into two hours and twenty minutes….oops. So, the post will be short and sweet this morning. Sorry.
Today will be a kid-busy learning day in 211. They will have the period to complete a “Team Theme Quest,” using a chapter from Paul Fleischman’s Seedfolks. As I mentioned a few days ago, determining theme is one of our super standards, and this will be one of our first steps down the path towards proficiency.
Our work will begin with the kids discussing the Learning QUESTion, “What does our ability to discover and discuss themes in literature reveal about us as readers?” They will, then, begin their quest of using a theme-identification tool to discover and present the theme from the chapter, “Gonzalo.” My role will be limited to answering clarifying questions only. Other than that, the kids are on their own. I am excited to see them struggle and shine. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Again, a thousand apologies for being remiss in my duties this morning. On the plus side, you don’t have to read my ramble for very long today. Happy Wednesday, all.