Been an emotional roller coaster of a week. High highs and low lows. Life, like my classroom, has been full of smiles and frowns. I’ll start with the frown.
Long story, but earlier this week I had a sobering reminder of the power of our words. Here’s the shortened story in a Twitter thread. Sorry that it’s out of order. You’ll have to “follow the numbers” from the bottom up. Sorry.

This frown put me down. And I shared that with my kids, wanting them to know that when we make mistakes, we can learn from them–even years later. I am still learning.
But not all was down or a frown. I found some smiles this week, too.
Yesterday, unaware that they were sneaking this around the room during Smiles and Frowns to sign the back, my third period class, via Emily, presented the illustration below. I was deeply moved.

Found two smiles during fourth period. First, Jade was so proud to show me her Superman shoes. She knows I am a Superman super fan. Hard to hide me jealousy. Told her she was lucky they weren’t my size.

Second, Ryan, about whom I have shared before in a heartbreaking bullying situation (see “Broken” http://www.letschangeeducation.com/project-180-day-71/), shared the pic below of Bob Ross, asking me if he could print it out and put on the classroom door, remarking that it reminded him of me. “Of course, Ryan,” I smiled. Wonder if it was the hair?

And a smile also came from outside my room. This one is kind of a sheepish smile because it is self-serving. But my students, both past and present, and our community has graciously put me in contention for the Norwegian Cruise Lines Teacher Appreciation Competition. Out of thousands, I am currently in 29th place, just inside the semi-final threshold of 30. Long road ahead with voting open until April 12th, and I am seeking help from any and everyone. So, with some shame, if you find me worthy and aren’t too put off by my asking, I (and all my supporters) would truly appreciate your vote and your possibly sharing the link with friends and family. The link is below. You have to be able to vote through Facebook. Sorry to ask. I sincerely hope I did not offend any readers by asking. But I don’t want to look back and wonder if I could have done more when I am so close.

And that was my roller coaster week. Funny how one major frown can bring it down, but my kids always lift me up again. Thank goodness for kids.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…completing a self-analysis and self-evaluation of writing.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Friday, all. Have a great weekend.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.