Their Learning: Project 180, Day 12

“Why are we taking a Learning Check tomorrow,” I asked.

“To check our learning,” they replied.

Today, before I give the Learning Check, I will ask the same question. And they, I expect, will give the same response. I will ask the same question every time we take one this year.

It’s a simple start. The kids are identifying subjects, predicates, nouns, and adjectives (I talked about the what and why of it in greater detail in Tuesday’s post, “Trust Trip.” I started simply for a reason, for it is a rather different experience for the kids. They are not accustomed to having so much ownership over their learning. They are accustomed to taking tests for the teacher, for their grades. But here there is no grade. Only feedback. Oh, we’ll ferret out the grade eventually–per requirement at the end of the term–but for now, we are simply keeping track of our learning. And it is going to take the kids awhile to get used to my approach. It’s gonna take me awhile. Different is different.

I Invited the Kids to Cheat

Well, “invitation” is probably the wrong word. I guess I told them they can “choose to cheat.” It will be easy enough. There will be answer keys out as the kids finish up at different times and assess their own work. Johnny could just wait until Jimmy has the answer key out and copy down the correct answers. He could. But it doesn’t really buy him much. There is no score. There is only his learning. He has to own that. I provide–am trying to provide–the place and space for that to happen, but the experience will only be as authentic as he makes it. As they all make it. I will not play the hawkish teacher role today, trying to catch cheaters as they take their Learning Checks. I, instead, will simply level with the kids, telling them hey have to make choices as the proprietors of their learning. Their learning.

And with our first Learning Check today, we will take our first giant baby steps into our feedback-only experience in room 206 this year. I am eager to learn with and from the kids today, so I can continue to refine the approach along the way. Today is our first “do” to our next “better.”

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…taking ownership of our learning.

…viewing Freedom Writers

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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