Can’t defend it. Brave enough to change it. Wise enough to know that I cannot do it alone.
Doubt makes me uncomfortable. Never without doubt. Never comfortable. Can I call that courage?
Things don’t have to be because that’s how they’ve always been. Do different.
Wish even more that people knew the true weight one carries when he accepts this.
Slept in a bit this morning. Decided to share some of the “thought bubbles” that perpetually spin ’round my head. Blessed that some of you can see them, that you can see me. Thank you for your support. Special shout out to my best friend Josh Kleven who sent me the image below this morning. He’s always seen me.
Have a great weekend, all. Stay warm.
Blessing and curse our why’s. The power and burden of our purpose. Real or imagined. No matter. We carry it forth. We have to.