Day Twenty Eight. Morning, all. Gonna keep it short and simple this morning. Things here are fine. I have a full morning of feedback ahead of me. Proud of the work my kiddos are producing, and I plan to tell them that this morning. They, despite the disruption of distance, have really done a great job of doing their best to meet in “our middle.”
Of course, that looks a little different for each kid. I often speak, write of the middle–the between–for that is where we meet: teacher and learner. Interestingly, for some of my kids, the distance has changed where we meet. While many have maintained a consistent commitment to our “common ground,” some have moved closer than before while others have moved away–withdrawn. And I imagine for either there are things for which we simply cannot account beyond the reality of human adaptation. And as we all find ourselves adapting, we all–I imagine–are finding new middles, new places where we meet, here in the distance–learning, adapting, living.
Happy Wednesday, all. Okay, it was less simple and short than I intended. Stay safe and sane.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.