Day Thirty Two. Morning, all. Here’s a glimpse at our work for the week. So far, we have been alternating weeks with reading and writing tasks, but this week we decided to return to grammar for some review and some new.
As some may remember from previous posts, our approach to grammar is different. We use what I call an “exposure and experience” model. Basically, we present our work with grammar as, “You will not leave here experts, but you will leave here more experienced.” And now, with the distance, this approach seems more appropriate than ever.
Admittedly, this–and I am only showing part of the week’s task–took me too many hours to prepare. My son, who is a student in my class, asked me why I didn’t just give a link to some website instead of making the resources (and the practice and learning checks). Yes, as he suggested, it would have saved me a lot of time–a lot. But I have always felt the need to create the supports I provide for my kids, and now that I am at a distance, that personal charge carries even more weight. And just providing links seems a passive support to me. Not saying it’s wrong–may even be wise, but it just feels passive to me, so I take a more active route, which is also a longer route.
And yes, I know most kids won’t even use the resource with the same diligence I put into creating it, but that’s their commitment to carry, not mine. At the end of the day, I don’t ever want to feel like I have not carried my commitment. I want my kids to feel–even if it’s years down the road–that I supported what I expected. That’s my commitment, and yes, sometimes I carry it better than other times–I am human. And yes, I know I am not alone, not even close. Many–most–of my colleagues, near and far, carry their commitment far beyond the clock and calendar. It’s what we do. We’re teachers.
Anyway, here’s some of the work for the week. My present commitment till I know better, so I can do better.

Happy Tuesday, all. Stay safe and sane.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.