Morning, all. A little tired and uninspired this week. Sorry.
So, I think I will just share the “form poem” I created for my kiddos on Friday.
I searched online for a template, but I couldn’t find anything I liked, so I made my own.

One, I wanted to thank my kids. So, for the example, I wrote them a poem. Two, I wanted to give them a form to follow so they could write a poem to someone in their lives for whom they were thankful.
And they did. As a challenge, I asked them to actually deliver and/or read the poem to the person in the poem. Lots of moms were the subjects of their poems. My hope is that those moms get to see or hear the words.
One of my kiddos decided I needed to hear her poem, and she stayed after class to read it.
“Sy, will you listen to this and see if I did it right.”
It was a poem to her mom. It wasn’t even close to the form. But it was a beautiful poem to her mom.
“Yes, Lissa, you did it exactly right.”
Not sure there’s ever a wrong way to thank mom.
Happy Thanksgiving, all. Hope everyone has a chance to rest and recharge. Thank YOU for being here.
I am thankful for
Your support
I need it
When doubt calls
You give me courage
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Thankful for teachers who care, like you. We’ve had them, we strive to be them, and in doing so we hope our students will care as much in whatever profession they pursue. I hope you enjoy some self-care this week! You more than deserve it! =)