“Sy, can we do a Survivor thing in here?”
“What do you mean, Jack ?”
“Ya know, like the show. Tribes. Immunity challenges. Things like that.”
Jack (name changed), with Brian in tow, approached me mid-period yesterday during fourth. Prior to that moment, I had overheard them back in the corner, joking with Jill, telling her she was “voted off the island.” Of course, they were playing, and of course, as is typical with my “corner crew,” they were not working very diligently. In fact Jack, I believe, had already given up on the year. So though I figured on some level he was just continuing the play, there was a spark in his eye, and sensing a chance at turning that spark into something more, I took a chance. I broke the rules.
“I’ll make you a deal. Since you are obviously not making any progress with the project, and–if we’re being honest–you’re probably not going to. No offense, kiddo. Just calling it as I see it.”
“Nah, you’re right, Sy.”
“Okay, then. If you and Brian (since it was really Brian’s idea) put together and execute a plan for “Survivor,” I will let that be your “This Is Me” project, excusing you from all its work. But. You have to show me daily progress and consult with me frequently.”
“Okay, Sy. We can do that.”
“I hope. ‘Cause if you don’t stay on top of this, then no deal.”
Spark to flame. For the next twenty minutes, there was more productive buzz from these two than I have seen all year. In fact, the rest of the “corner crew” were energized in a way heretofore unseen. At the end, they had created and shared a page-full of brainstorming with me, responding to questions, writing down my suggestions, considering other possibilities.
I made a choice. Some might suggest I just make Jack and Brian comply. I get that, and once upon a classroom, I did that. But that’s not me. As I have suggested many times, I am not interested in compliance. I seek commitment. They were not committing to the project. So, when this opportunity presented itself yesterday, I made a choice, I took a chance. Right choice? I don’t know. Time will tell. But if my opening the door yesterday can continue to fan the flame in these two, then it will all be worth it. It was a chance I had to take.
Today’s Trail
I am actually not at school today. I have an appointment. Life calls sometimes and we have to answer when it does.
Happy Thursday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.