Day Fourteen. Morning, all. Not feeling it. Hoping that responding to kids’ work today will lift me up a bit. Going to try to set up a Zoom version of Smiles and Frowns next week with my classes. I need more connection than the current typed version. On some level, I feel like I am just playing school right now. This whole distance thing has confirmed–for me at least–that learning is first and most a human connection, and something’s missing.
Happy Thursday, all. Stay safe.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Connecting with Zoom has really made a difference. Short 30-40 min sessions feel very productive, given the circumstances. My best, and in good health, Kristin
Thank you, Kristin. Always. Hope you are well.
Hi Sy, I have been doing Smiles and Frowns since we started virtual learning via Google Meet and it’s been going really well. At first I was hesitant but the moment my kids asked for it (1st day, three weeks ago), I just jumped in. I just ask if anyone wants to go first, and they unmute their mic. Then, if no one else volunteers, I say a student’s name and just go down the list. I remind them that they can still pass, but so far I’ve had less passes than usual. They are craving that FaceTime-to-FaceTime connection! It is the best part of my virtual learning day and the kids tell me the same. They’re not doing it in their other classes so even we have optional “class” the majority of them show up just to do Smiles and Frowns. It also really helped when we had a community member pass away. The kids were more comfortable sharing their feelings around it. I’m so glad I made the leap to do S/F this year bc we just rolled it over to virtual without a hitch. And I’m still ever so grateful for you for leading the way. Hope this helps. Stay strong and healthy. This, too, shall pass.
Hi, Genevieve. Thank you for connecting and sharing. I am so glad that you have found a way to continue this with your kiddos during this time. I am eager to elevate our game next week. You stay strong and healthy, too. Thank you.