Day Sixty One. Morning, all. Wanted to share some exciting news with you. My wife is the 2020 Washington State Art Educator of the Year. So proud of her. And I am so pleased that she received this much-deserved recognition and honor. I know a lot of educators, but few, if any, are as dedicated, hard working, supportive, and kid-affirming than the lovely lady I am lucky enough to call my wife. She really is a bright light in the lives of so many. Thank you for shining and showing us the way. Proud of you, Sher.

Happy Tuesday, all. Take care.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Quite the household! Congratulations to Sherry! If she is half the educator you are, I am sure that it was well earned. —Danny
Thank you, Danny. I will pass it along to my wife. Hope you are well.
Congratulations! I love seeing the wonderful work by all educators but especially fellow art educators!
Thank you. Have a great Wednesday.