Day Twelve. It’s not enough. But it will have to do. A “return to work” offered some sanity, but as I look ahead, and if I am honest, this isn’t the same, and it’s going to be a struggle to maintain an upbeat attitude for the long road ahead. I need more. And I feel guilty for saying that with all that is going on in the world. I am aware of the selfishness in my statement, and I am sorry that it is so, but it is so. This–teaching–is my identity, and right now, I feel like I have lost myself a bit. I will discover and recover parts of myself from all this, but that is down the road. Right now, I am stuck, staring at my “self fish” reflection on the bowl of my isolation.
Sorry to be a downer, all. Just trying to work through this. I will swim out of it. As I seek to…
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
I started using Flipgrid for students to post their Bravos and Burns (Smiles and Frowns). It’s made the world of difference to see and hear them instead of just reading their typed words. Might help you feel a little more connected.
Hi, Rachel. Yes, I am planning to start using Zoom (district approved) next week. I believe it will benefit us all. Hope you are well.
Bello! Jusy want to ler you know I get what your are going through. I teach at jails and havent has a chance to be in contact wurh my girls in 3 weeks. Is ok to miss our jobs, actually I think that means we are doing Something right.
I know is hard, but this is going to end and we are going to be better educators after it.
Thank you, Andrea for connecting. I appreciate your kind support.