Sad, But not Sunk: Project 180, Day 135

Day Seventeen. I suppose I knew it was gonna happen. I’ve had a sneaking suspicion for the last week that some time soon we’d face the inevitability of school closing for the remainder of the year. Yesterday became that “soon” with Governor Inslee announcing that Washington state schools would remain closed.

And even though I “knew,” I wasn’t quite ready for the reality, a reality I haven’t fully processed yet. I won’t ever have class, in person, with these kids again. That’s still sinking in. And it will continue to sink more deeply into me as the days and weeks ahead come and go. But, as emotionally overwhelming as this recent reality is, I cannot let it sink me. I have to keep floating. Kids have also been cast overboard with this newest revelation, and they will need some help getting back to shore. So, though my heart is heavy, I will not let it weigh me down, let it sink me. I have kids who need me. And, in truth, I need them. We will float on. Together. Sad, but not sunk.

Happy Tuesday, all. Stay afloat. Reach out if I can help.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

4 thoughts on “Sad, But not Sunk: Project 180, Day 135”

  1. This is so hard, not being able to finish the year in person with you is a huge loss for a Noah. He is looking forward to zoom though. He has commented not doing smiles and frowns in class with you has left a huge hole. You really do leave a lasting positive impact on these kids. Thank you, and thank you for doing what you can during this weird time.

    1. Thank you, Julie. Missing Noah and the Boyz. Missing all the kids. Hope you and the family are well.

  2. I am in Idaho feeling all these same emotions. My heart knows that we will always be close. Perhaps closer than classes from other years. I know I have a special connection to my 9/11 students. I see it in their eyes when we meet. They are all huggers now.
    I guess the teachers of 2020 need only hope for the same. Godspeed.

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