Routines matter. They create a sense of purpose and consistency for our kids and us. Of the 4 R’s (Roles, Routines, Rights, and Responsibilities) this one, routines, always seems to be the one I put off creating/revising till the end. For me, it is my “best-laid plans” curse. It all seems so simple and doable now, but then school starts and realities dictate, and…well, things don’t always go as planned. So, fully conscious of this, I am still going to pretend that this year will be different, that I have finally found the right routines for the realities that wait.
Here are my proposed daily, weekly, monthly routines for this coming year.

Though I was poking fun at myself up above, revealing my inability to always stick to the plan, I do think there is some value in our giving ourselves permission to change things when they aren’t working. For if we don’t, routines can become ruts. So, I keep a finger on the pulse of our routines, and I change them when I feel it’s necessary. And when I do, I try to be as transparent with my kids as possible for why I am making the change. No one wants to be stuck in a rut.
Routines can also become rituals, sacred events in our rooms. In room 206 the last few years, Smiles and Frowns, Choose a Champ, Community Circle, and Sappy Sy Rhymes have become rituals. And I expect them to. I make them priorities. They are the non-negotiable, school-schedule-be-damned parts of our day, especially Smiles and Frowns. Every day. No matter what.
So, those are my routines for now. They will likely change a bit, but that’s the pretty routine in room 206.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.