“We work so hard for kids within a system that doesn’t work for kids.”
Jennifer Risser, 8th grade ELA, Pennsylvania.

One of my connections on Twitter shared this thought with me in response to my #IWonderAndWorry thread. And though she suggests I “nailed it on the head,” it is she, I believe, who more accurately hits the mark. We work too hard in a system that largely doesn’t work for kids. We are stuck in a Sisyphean cycle it seems, forever rolling the rock.

And while I suppose some may see that as a cynical view of our job as educators, and though I cannot deny there may be a mist of cynicism on its edges, it is not the center I seek, for that is the hopeless view of things. And though I am certainly critical of that which is, I am equally hopeful of that which may yet be. I have hope. And so do so many others. It’s why we roll the rock. But we also have our eyes open. And as we look, we see that we created the mountain, the burden in our way. And, too, as we see, we wonder why we can’t just go around the mountain? Surely, there is another way. Surely there is better. And it is just that, a belief in better. We can keep rolling the system up the hill, or we can roll change around it. Both are formidable tasks. It is no easy task, the rebel role, but there’s strength found in rolling something one believes in. There must be, else we would have quit long ago. Better is something to believe in, a a better rock to roll.

Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…growing with grammar.
…cultivating community with Kindness Cards.
…writing conclusions and bios.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Wednesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.