“…more often than not the only difference between what’s possible and what’s impossible in the classroom is the choice of the teacher.”
“Sy, can I redo some of my performances tomorrow before break?”
“Of course. Always.”
This was an email exchange yesterday afternoon between a student and me. It both surprised and pleased me. Surprised because up to this point he has showed little interest in taking advantage of the opportunities that I offer to learn from feedback and second efforts, even at my urging. He was one of the last I expected an email from. Of course, I suspect his new-found motivation likely stems from home and avoiding trouble over break, but the reason matters little to me. Regardless, he will be sitting with me today, discussing his work, considering my feedback, and trying again.
And that pleases me. He will learn today. He will also learn about learning, and as he learns, I hope that such understanding will lead him to take advantage of the opportunities I offer, not for the trouble it avoids but for the help it hands. May sound a small thing, and it may not be the purest of purposes for his wanting to redo, but I find it a giant leap for this young man. I was immensely pleased by this step.
Some of the Performances (assessments) that he is seeking to redo are from many weeks ago. And while some classrooms would never consider allowing kids to go that far back, in the 180 classroom it’s always possible. As I have said a number of times, more often than not the only difference between what’s possible and what’s impossible in the classroom is the choice of the teacher. I choose possibility, and in doing so, I provide possibility, room to grow for my kids. I will not let some arbitrary view of a timeline or an incident of of inconvenience stunt my kids’ growth. I have that choice to make. I have that choice to own.
And in that “owning,” I have never once second-guessed myself. Not once. Would I prefer such things to happen with more immediacy? Of course. But late or early, there’s always opportunity to learn. And as I sit down with him today, I will praise him for coming to me, and I will feel good about creating a space and experience where late lives and never not.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
….choosing a Community Champ.
…wrapping up Truth Projects.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Wednesday, all. Enjoy the holiday season. This is the last P-180 post now till after break. Thank you for all the support.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Just found your blog through Twitter…. Your idea of ‘there’s always an opportunity to learn’ has been my motto. Students always ask me why I let them correct their papers from weeks ago, but other teachers do not. I love that they want to make an effort, no matter the motivation! Thanks for likemindedness!!
Thank you, Kathryn. Always pleased to find more likeminded folk out there. Happy New Year.