My kids will get a choice today. Read the short story, “By Any Other Name,” or listen to the short story, “By Any Other Name.” But first I will ask them to respond to the following questions before and after they “read.”
How are reading a story and listening to a story different? How are they the same?
Agree or Disagree. Listening to a story is “cheating.”
Did you read the story or listen to the story? Why?
Text link
Audio link
I have no illusions. Most of my kids will select the audio. And why wouldn’t they? I suspect many adults–some even English teachers–would do the same. It’s easier. In some regards, it’s more engaging. Contrary to popular English teacher belief, many kids do not have a vivid movie playing in their heads while reading. I still remember how stunned I was to discover this as a young teacher when I naively thought we all shared in the textual gratification of a book. We do not. Would it were true, but it’s not. And so, in the true lack of sameness, it seems fair, then, to offer differentness in the form of a choice.
But doesn’t that sully the literary experience? Isn’t that borderline blasphemy or at least malpractice as an English teacher? I don’t know. Maybe. Figure I’ll take that up with my maker when the time comes. But for now, I am meeting my kids where they are, and the only way to assure the authenticity of that meet is to offer them the choice. In truth, most of them know how to find the audio/video options out there anyway, so I’d rather we meet in the reality that there are choices, that there will always be choices, instead of pretending that text is the only and best choice. More, I would rather we acknowledge and face the reality that without the option many kids wouldn’t read it anyway. Here they have a choice, and though it may not live up to the ideals of the literary experience, it may well better achieve the goal of getting kids to engage in stories from the human experience. It’s the story that matters. By any name.
Happy Tuesday, all. Hope everyone is well.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.