Dedicated to the ones who have joined my journey.

Well, I suppose it’s a bit much to say Project 180 has made it a 1,000 miles, but today does mark a milestone of sorts with this being the one-thousandth post since starting my journey into the blogosphere nearly five years ago.

And when I did take that initial, tentative step with my first post, I wasn’t sure where it would lead. I thought I would write a few posts in an attempt to start some conversations around changing education. I thought it might become an occasional habit as I reflected on my experiences in the classroom. But I did not think that it would become a daily habit (now ritual) during the school year. I did not think that.
But now, every morning, long before the sun signals the day, I am here reflecting and writing, sharing my journey with those who will listen. Some have listened to every word (thanks Mom); some have come in along the way; others have left; and some have recently joined. And it’s the “some” (you) who have helped keep me going. And for that, I offer my deepest gratitude. You matter. And I hope you know that. Thank you.
Where does it go from here? I don’t know. For now, I will keep writing. I am at least committed to finishing this fifth year of Project 180. And from there I will consider my next steps. Maybe it will be time for a new writing journey. But wherever my writing takes me, I will continue as I began until I end: continuing the conversation about education.
Thank you for being one of the some who has joined my journey. I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you.
Happy Wednesday.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.