We will learn a lot of important things in here this year, but of all the things we learn, nothing is more important than the people in here. So, we will learn each other.
Last day of the first semester. And as I think back on the first day–a strange place with strange faces–and I see how far we’ve come, I am proud of the communities we’ve constructed and the cultures we’ve cultivated in each of my classes–no two the same, created and connected by the time shared, the experiences lived, and the lives learned. And we have learned lives. We have learned each other–every day. I spoke the above words to my kids when I introduced Smiles and Frowns ninety days ago. And now, here at the end, I will take my kids back to where our journey began–with the people in the room.
And as the people in the room, today, we will cap our time together with a final Community Circle, our most important final. And, sadly, it is final. Time’s run out. Schedules have shifted. And things will never be the same as we move our moments to memory today.
Happy Friday, all. Have a wonderful weekend. Won’t be back on here until Tuesday. We have a mid-winter break on Monday.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.