Better Learning
How can I consistently meet kids where they are?
Simple. I have to continue to meet my kids. Because their learning is always changing, then where they are is always changing, too. So, where they were isn’t where they are. And I need to meet them where they are. So I need to meet them. Simple as that.
But not so simple. Apparently. For, what was to be my primary focus (my gonna-do-it-no-matter-what) this year has taken me six weeks to get to. For a variety of reasons, it has gotten delayed and waylaid. And this week, as another reason surfaced for why it wasn’t the perfect time and “next week” seemed once again to be the “right time,” I said eff it. It is time. This week. This week I will meet my kids.
I am calling them “Meet-Me” meetings. Yes, it seems and sounds a little strange. For as my kids reminded me, “Sy, you’ve already met us.” And I tell them, “I know, but if I am going to talk the talk about meeting you where you are in your learning, then I have to walk the walk in word and deed. So, I am going to meet you in your learning each week.” I don’t think, though, that this made it any less-strange for them. I am sure in their minds it remains, “We’ve already met, Sy.”
Of course, there’s more to it than I am telling them right now. I have a hope. I hope that my modeling meeting them where they are will compel them to expect the same from their other teachers, present and future. I hope they come to see it as a necessary part of their narrative. I want them to see, to hear, to feel, to live, to demand, “Meet ME in MY Learning.”
And this week, I will do just that. But what will it look like? Well, eventually, better, but for now, this is what I have planned.

And it will get better, but sometimes to get better we just have to begin. And now that I’ve begun, it will get better.
This will work for now. As I told my kids, this is just an intentional step to help us frame our conversation, which I hope will be natural and organic. Of course, it helps that I am already committed to meeting my kids daily through Smiles and Frowns and so it will not seem completely awkward, but this will give me an even greater opportunity to meet them, to know them, to serve them. To meet them (where they are).
Happy Sunday, all. Hope everyone is safe and sane. See you next week.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Sy, I’ve been following you for awhile and love your content. I was wondering, though…what do the students do while you are having the Meet-Me meeting?
Thank you:)
Hi, Terron. Sorry I did not respond sooner. Been a crazy busy week for me. The kids are working on their daily tASKs. I try to provide them with enough but not too much guided practice, leaving room for personal practice, too.