Today, I am going to support your experience with (insert standard) by…
…meeting you where you are in your learning.
Where I am in my teaching teaching needs to be where they are in their learning–each of them.
And where they are is the only place they can be. But it is not enough that I understand that. My kids have to understand this. And I think to that end, we have to dismantle the system. We have to lose the labels.
Apparently, others share my sentiment. I tweeted this out early last Friday morning as I was reflecting on meeting kids with Teaching Targets. But I did not expect it to get the attention that it has in the Twitterverse. With nearly 4,000 likes and over 500 retweets, it suggests that many acknowledge the problem with labels, but it has to go beyond our acknowledging it. It has get to a place of changing it, of dismantling the systemic structures that force the fit. We have to approach the learning experiences differently, and that is what I am trying to do with Teaching Targets.
Today, I will support your experience with (insert standard) by meeting you where you are in your learning.
From there, I then imagine a list of ways that I will articulate my supports to kids. And I will get to that tomorrow. Sorry to drag this out. Still thinking my way through it.
Happy Monday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.