Day Twenty Two. Morning, all wanted to share an insightful message from one of my kids. I will share more in the coming days, but this is the first I will share from our “Message in a Bottle” assignment from last week (http://www.letschangeeducation.com/message-in-a-bottle-project-180-day-134/).

I love that she recognizes the significance of the moment. I love, too, that she is making do, making most, making best–despite the significant challenges of this moment in history.
We are living history. Such an insightful, inspirational message. Proud of my kids. Proud to be a part of their history.
Happy Tuesday, all. Stay safe and sane.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
i can really relate to this im loosing track of days.I miss my friends and i would never think to say but i miss school.
Sorry, kiddo.
I can relate to her when she mentioned how she has lost count of how many days its been. I’ve stopped keeping track at this point. I like that she is positive about this situation and is doing many things with her free time
Hi, Cait. Thank you for chiming in. Yes,if not for writing and dating my blog posts, I, too, would lose track of the days. Stay safe and sane…and look at the calendar every once in a while 😉