Little Things: Project 180, Day 10

I often share the big things from the Project 180 classroom, but I don’t always share the little things, the daily operations. So, I thought this morning I’d share a few.

Seating Arrangement?

Changes all the time. Depends on what we’re doing. I make the room fit the learning.

My favorite? Big square (pictured above).

My never-do? Rows. Hate rows.

Seating chart? Nope. Kids may sit where they like.


Kids are rarely tardy to my class. I like to think that they are eager to get to my class. If they are tardy, I just ask them to apologize to the class and take their seat. Habitual tardiness warrants a conversation and intervention.


I don’t have phone issues.


Kids may eat and drink in my classroom as long as they clean up after themselves. Never understood the no-food-or-drink policy, especially the not-even-water policy.


Kids may go when they need to. We just have to observe school policy: pass in hand, not in the first or last 10 minutes, and one at a time.


I use the verbal signal “time.” I say, “time,” and the kids know to stop talking and find me with their eyes. This year, unexpectedly, there’s also been an added a raised-hand component. It kinda just happened. I say time and raise my hand; kids raise their hands; it’s a visual cue that helps when kids don’t hear me. Importantly, I communicate to kids that I do this not as a matter of power but efficiency. I have to work to be consistent. I get lazy and forget to say time. Doing better with it this year.


I don’t get too picky about much, but listening is huge in my class, in life. So, I am picky about this one. In my class, listening standards include not talking while others are sharing and making visual contact with the speaker. I stay on top of this.

In the grand scheme, these things aren’t terribly important, but they are a part of our daily experiences in room 206. They work for me. They may not work for others, but their policies probably wouldn’t work for me either. We all have find our own little ways of doing things.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…hear Mindset Mantra.

…continue/complete theme activities for Freedom Writers.

…reflect in our Journey Journals. 

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.


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