How am I doing?
Gonna check in with the kids today. Gonna ask them how they feel as a way to learn how I am doing.
It starts at the door.
This is my door. It’s a daily commitment to my kids as they enter my room, where I believe I am responsible for each day’s experience, which in turn inevitably impacts how they feel, and I believe how they feel is what they will remember, so I focus on how they feel, and in my room, this is how I want them to feel. And today, I will ask them to let me know with this card.
Others have latched onto this idea as well. Teacher 2 Teacher just recently re-posted this in the Twitterverse.
And last week, a connection on Twitter from Kansas let me know that he’s begun using the idea with his kids.
How am I doing? When I lend an ear, they let me know. My ear is theirs.
Happy Monday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.