I miss the kids. I miss the kidding. I was reminded of this yesterday when I got a chance to call one of my kiddos a loser.

Strange thing the “loser test.” But I have always used it as a measure of sorts for my connections with kids. No, I do not call all my kids losers. Of course, I don’t. There are other things to call them, too. Okay, I’m kidding around some about kidding with kids. But I do kid with kids. Right thing to do? I don’t know. But I’m not sure it’s wrong either. I am not sure there’s a script for human interaction. I don’t mean it meanly, and my kids know this. Professionally appropriate? Maybe not. And perhaps I don’t have the right of it. But it feels real. And that can’t all be wrong. And though it may sound odd to say it feels right, if I am honest, it does. My world felt right yesterday. For a moment it felt like we were back in the classroom and wrongs of the world without were washed away. And there was nothing wrong with that.
Happy Friday, all. Have a great weekend.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Hey, that’s why it’s called “kidding,” right? I believe students enjoy it when it’s kindly meant for fun. It’s you being a real person. They know! Their antennae are always up.