It’s a beautiful day for Smiles and Frowns
Won’t you share your ups and downs
Won’t you share
We all care
Won’t you share your story.
I know. I know. I know I talk a lot about Smiles and Frowns. But I can’t help it. It’s such a huge part of the 180 experience. My first “self-standard” is that in my room I want kids to feel connected, even after they leave. Sometimes, sadly, they leave sooner than the end of the year. Ez is leaving us early. She and her family are moving back to California, and as a testament to the connections created through Smiles and Frowns, she wrote and delivered this farewell letter to our 5th period community.

This makes me so happy. Oh, I am sad–super sad–that Ez is leaving, but I am proud of what we have accomplished as a community this year. Connections matter.
Of course, I am also proud that all my talk about Smiles and Frowns is spreading. I know of a dozen teachers near and far (Australian Abe M.) who have made it a part of their daily routine–and at least a dozen more who are planning on using it next year. And it may get bigger yet as Teacher 2 Teacher boosted it on their platform by running a piece on it after interviewing me last month.
Their reach is both far and wide, and it is my earnest hope that other educators see and consider the impact of such a practice on their classroom cultures. Of course, I didn’t invent this. Others also use such practices under different names: peaks and valleys, happies and crappies, roses and thorns, and a new name from nearby Rachael K., “Howls and Growls.” Nothing “new” in room 206, but I think the difference may be my commitment to making it a daily practice (for two-full years now), to making it THE priority every day, no matter what, for as I shared with the folks at T2T, it is the most important time investment I have ever made. Ever. And I think with testimonies such as Ez’s, it’s an investment that pays dividends long into the future.
A huge thank you to Teacher 2 Teacher for sharing Smiles and Frowns with a larger audience.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…building deeper connections through Community Circle (supposed to happen on the first Friday of each month, but we’re behind. Today’s circle will be a little different. I will share about it on Monday).
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Friday, all. Have a fantastic weekend.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.