“Routines” usually follows “Roles” as the second of the 4 R’s, and they will when I am with the kids this fall, but for now I am going to skip them (still under construction) and go to the third R: “Rights.”
And though I am presenting them as “rights,” in keeping with the 4 R’s and my love of alliteration, I really do not see myself as “the granter of rights.” I see myself as a maker of promises, and these are the promises that my kids have the “right” to in our community, and I will say as much when I present to them.

At that time, I will also distribute their “Lifelines.” This is a link to a longer, more detailed explanation (http://www.letschangeeducation.com/a-matter-of-priority-reflections-from-the-180-classroom/), but here’s the gist.
I give each kids two Lifelines (see below) for the semester. They may use them whenever and for whatever. Some use them when they need an emotional break. Some use them when they need to get an assignment done/study for another class. Some never use them at all. Some stay in the room. Some go to the hall. Some go to other approved locations in the building. They are not “excused” from the day’s work. They will have to find/make time to “catch up.” They are, though, granted the grace they seek. That’s really the whole point. I cannot think of an instance when a kid abused these last year. In fact, surprisingly, many never used them at all.

Rights. Promises. Either. Both. Just something I do to help create the culture and community I seek in 206. Nothing fancy. Nothing magical. Just humans, together, setting out to find our way.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.