I Had No Idea: Project 180, Day 162

Our voices make real our vision, our work, and work wants witness.

And when our work has witness it has the potential, it has the power to better the world.

And just as the book bears no meaning until its words are lifted by the eyes of the reader.

Our work, our vision cannot better the world until it reaches the world.

It is not real until it is received.

And so we have to deliver it.

And we can.



The past 48 hours have been a crazy coaster ride: overwhelming, gratifying, affirming, humbling, inspiring. Yesterday, I shared Meg’s story and how much activity it had created in the Twitterverse, marveling that my thread had made over 40,000 impressions. I was inspired that some tweets about showing a young lady some grace resonated with so many, giving me hope for the humanization of education. I was grateful to find so many others out there who understood the human side of things. So many others. But I had no idea how many. No idea at all. Turns out yesterday’s response was but a foothill to the massive mountain that was to come.



I had no idea. But now that I know better, I am inspired to do better. I am inspired more than ever to use my voice to help elevate the notion of humanization in education, especially in this current era of standardization. I am empowered to know that there are so many others out there who “get it” and “live it” with their students every day. Above, I shared a passage from my recent post, The World Waits, because I wanted to reiterate the importance of connecting our work with the world, for when we are connected, we can do great things. Of course, sharing my work has come primarily from my daily blog posts from the last two-and-a-half years (557 posts to date), which I will continue in earnest to do, but I find it a bit funny that, after all that, a simple tweet about a simple teacher and a simple student in a simple town in Washington State carried so far. Who’d have thought?

I didn’t, and I am humbled by those who have been witness, by those who believe and do as I. Thank you for all that you do for kids. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone. We are not alone. And together we can better the world.

Today’s Trail 

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…continue our work with Project Be a Voice.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Friday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

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