I Am Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf: Project 180, Day 6

I fear I feel a tremble. Slight. Subtle. But it’s there. I feel it.

I feel it in the frantic, frenetic moments of preparation before the day’s online launch, as I cross my fingers, hoping that nothing goes wrong.

I feel it from the disconnected distance across the screen, as I weigh their eyes and mouths, wondering if I am only imagining their presence.

I feel its palpable pallor as I pass my colleagues masking their mouths and misery, our common company.

I feel it in my foundation as I wake to the wind on the day’s horizon, threatening my stoic stand, sure that it’s only the “obstacle in the way.”

I feel it. I fear it.

I face it. We all do. We have to. We are teachers. What else would we do, could we do? So much depends on our steady stand as the winds swirl around our house of cards.

I feel a fear. And though I will put on my mask today for my kids, my colleagues–myself, inside I feel a fear that we may get swept away. There’s a wolf on the wind.

Sorry for the downer post this morning, all. Struggling some. Struggling more to know that my struggle is shared. And as much as I want to say and believe, “we got this,” there would be little conviction behind it this morning. So, I won’t.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “I Am Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf: Project 180, Day 6”

  1. Your honesty is beautiful, from the heart of a true teacher. Although my life is simpler, I felt such a connection with you as you spoke your fears. Your students are lucky you are in their lives, especially at this time.

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