No kids today. Well, in person. Well, in class. Maybe I should say no class today. We have conferences today and tomorrow.
They are optional parent-student-teacher conferences via Zoom. And for those who take the option, I will begin the conferences with three questions–in the order that follows.
How are you doing as a human?
How am I doing as a teacher?
How are you doing as a learner?
Human. This matters most to me. And though I think I create opportunities daily through Smiles and Frowns to connect with kids on a human level, I want to make sure that I stick to my vow to always begin our work with the humans in the room. So, we will start with the human.
Teacher. If these conferences are progress checks on our work, then my progress has to be considered as well. Learning is a partnership, and we can’t assess the progress of our shared work, if we aren’t looking at the teacher in the partnership. How I am doing matters, especially now.
Learner. Last week, the kids wrote a Check-in Chapter for their Learning Stories, and I will ask them to reference this as they talk about how they are doing as learners. I have read them and responded, but I want them to be a source for discussing their learning journeys with their parents present.
And that will be the thread we follow during our conferences. Of course, we will explore different paths, unique to each kid. But these questions will guide us through this stage of our shared journey of putting the pieces together.
Happy Monday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.