In a bit of a mood this morning. Need to get it out, but I am going to keep it in. No, not healthy, I suppose, but feeling like my airing it publicly won’t be healthy either. So, I will skirt around it by simply saying there are things at the adult-level of this job that make it terribly frustrating at times. In my twenty-four, I have never not wanted to go to work when it comes to kids, but if I am honest (and I will be), the same is not true when it comes to adults.
Of course, I imagine I am “one of those adults” for other adults at times. I imagine–I know–I am not always easy to work with either. So, I will not pretend that I do not contribute to the “difficulty of the adult work in education.” I am not perfect, but I am not a patsy either, and when things strike a dissonant chord for me, I can’t help but hear the music, and I get triggered. One of my many failings I suppose, and though I try to change the tune and avoid such situations, I’m a bit of a fighter at my core. Always have been. Some days it gets the better of me, reminding me how far I still have to go as a human. Thank goodness I have kids to help me find my lighter side when I lose my way.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…publishing our Wisdom Writers Diaries.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Friday, all. Sorry for the negative post this morning.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.