Head on a swivel. Eyes searching. I’m on a mission. This is my hallway routine. I am looking for something. I know they are there. They are always there, so I look. I have to catch them. It’s my job. And when I do, I call them out. Well, I call them in.
“Hey, (any name you can imagine). How ya doing, kiddo?”
Got ’em! Hard to get by me. I am a seasoned searcher, and as I said, I’m on a mission, a self-assigned hallway monitor. I seek out my kiddos past and present, and I call to them. Sometimes, it’s across the hall. Sometimes, it’s a surprise as I fall in beside them and bump them on the shoulder. Sometimes, I see a few. Sometimes, I see so many I can barley shout them out as we zoom past each other, but I do shout them out. Sometimes, they act as if they are surprised that I can still “see them” outside my room. Most times, they cast me a warm smile and a “Hey, Sy.”
Yesterday, crowded and crunched, I spied a kiddo I haven’t seen much since last year, and I hurried a “Hey, kiddo,” as we passed, both being carried along by the traffic on our respective sides of the hall. Saw her again as we were leaving our diversity assembly.
“Hey, Sy. You made my day.”
“Oh, how did I do that, kiddo?”
“You said ‘hey, kiddo’ earlier. I miss that.”
Hey, kiddo. Sometimes, that’s all our kids need. A simple “I see you.”
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…growing with grammar.
…considering and ranking “American Values.”
…selecting and sorting personal values.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Thursday, all. No school for us tomorrow (we have a professional learning day). So, no post. Back here on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.