Day Ten. End of another week in a weird world. Still processing what all this “new” means–for now and later. At present, I am going to force my focus on the now. But, for me, that’s a struggle, for the later pulls, and I am itching to use this moment–one that I believe may end up being a watershed moment in education–to leverage “better” when this all settles. But that is going to have to wait, and it will, but there’s no denying the itch or my go-to scratch: critiquing what is to find what may be. But that will come —later.
For now, I am going to focus on supporting my kids, going with the flow, and giving grace to our leaders during this unprecedented time. For now.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
I, too, need to focus on the now. I get caught up in trying to even plan next week and I lose my today. What a weird world and time…
Yes, weird indeed. Thank you for chiming and checking in, Teresa. Take care.