Day Fifty Three. Morning, all. For this week’s assignment, I am asking the kids to find and use their powers of persuasion in a follow-up to last week’s work with the rhetorical appeals.
I try–and don’t always succeed–to find ways to make our work relevant. In my latest attempt, I am asking the kids to consider an authentic context in which they are requesting something from someone who needs convincing. My own son, who’s in my class, apparently has written his mom and me a request regarding his getting his own car. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m sure we will be subjected to the full force of his Jedi mind tricks. And if not immediately, he will likely–eventually–get what he wants. The Force is strong in that one.
Here is the assignment.

It’ll be interesting to read the kids’ requests next week. I hope they find it a worthwhile use of their time as they seek to find their force. Sorry, parents.
Happy Thursday, all. Stay safe.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Thanks for the warning!:)
You’re welcome. Who knows what Noah will request.