Day Sixty Four. The drought continues. Well, that’s not entirely true, I suppose–and it is not my intent to be disingenuous–for there are some things welling up inside right now, but I do not know how to express them in a manner free from the emotional rawness I am experiencing regarding some doubt I am harboring about collaborative culture. I have some doubts, but those doubts seem sacrilege in a world infatuated with the “perfect paradigm,” so I will not speak them…yet. But, I am not sure I can avoid them forever, for my doubt usually springs from my word well. But for now–until I am past the emotional edge–I will suppress what I cannot yet express.
Sometimes, it seems, when we look, the glass is neither half-full nor half-empty, it’s just empty, and we sit in the drought of our own doubt.
Have a great weekend. Sorry for the dry post today.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.