Daily 180! (Human Principle)

How can we sustain ourselves when administrators treat us poorly?


Ours is hard human work. Hard enough in the classroom, but even harder perhaps outside the classroom.

Education on its surface is rather a simple concept. Teachers teaching. Learners Learning. Administrators administrating. Each a role. Each a responsibility. One might think–and many on the outside looking in do–that it’s as simple as that. And one would be wrong…well, not quite right anyway. There’s more at work–much more–beneath the surface, for it, education, is perhaps the most singularly human experiment of the human experience, which depends entirely on the connectedness among the humans in the work, and when there’s a breakdown in that connectedness, it comes apart.

And when things are not together, humans suffer, and when the humans suffer, the work suffers. 

So, then, we have to go to the center of our work to mend ourselves, to mend our work. And that means we have to connect to the human who’s hurting our own human, who’s hurting our work.

Go to them. “I need help. Our relationship is hurting my work. How do we make it better?”

Their turn.


2 thoughts on “Daily 180! (Human Principle)”

  1. Hi, Sy. Good to hear from you again. I’ve read a lot of your messages over the years but never left a comment.As a retired elementary teacher, I applaud your work and your insights. Rooting for you, from Austin, Tx.

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