Need normal. A creature of habit, I have reached my end with interrupted schedules. Cannot remember the last time we had a five-day week. With holidays, snow closures and delays, it’s been difficult to find a stride, and then yesterday, the bottom fell out. I need a regular routine, a return to normal.
Experienced a first yesterday. One of my kiddos had a seizure. I have had twenty-three years of training for what to do if/when a student has a seizure, and I am thankful that training paid off in the moment, but if I am honest, the training did diddly squat for the emotional tax that comes with holding a kid, feeling helpless, hoping to keep him safe as you wait for the nurse to arrive–trying, too, to consider the emotional well-being of the other kids in the room as you send them to the classroom next door. Won’t be something I forget.
The young man made it through safely–Thank God. The rest of my kids? I don’t know. It happened near the end of the period, and I was unable to connect with them. Today, that will be a priority as we process what happened.
Tried to take it all in stride and make the most of the rest of the day, but it–I–was a flop.
And today, sadly, we won’t be drinking from our “normal” cups–again. The kids register for next year in their LA classes today. Ho hum. Good thing I am chasing better; given the events of the past month, there’s lots of betters to go after.
Sorry for the downcast mood this morning, all. Hoping my opportunity to be on with Spokane Talks tonight will boost my mood. This is a reschedule of the talk that was postponed 2 weeks ago; will share details tomorrow. Till then, I am gonna try to scrape together a day today. Tomorrow to better.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…an interruption. Will be the first day this year that we have not done Smiles and Frowns. Grumble.
Happy Wednesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Wow, that’s scary. Glad the S is ok. I can’t imagine being able to put that aside and be normal the rese of the day.
Thank you, Bill.