Commit Meant: Project 180, Day 146

You are going to get a 1. Promise. You were never not going to. We just have some work to do before we get there. So, let’s linger in your learning for awhile.

I have three numerical indicators in my room. 1, .7, 0.

1 is done. The student has completed the feedback/response process with me as we have worked towards meeting the success criteria for the Learning Check. Not all kids arrive here at the same time or along the same path.

.7 is an invitation. The feedback/response process has begun. I have offered feedback for the student to respond to as we work towards meeting the established criteria for the Learning Check.

0 is “Please submit.” The feedback/response process cannot begin until they commit.

Commit. Please submit. Please commit. That’s what I mean. That’s what I meant. Commitment. Commitmeant.

I will stop asking my kids to complete and submit.

Submit: accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.


I will start asking my kids to complete and commit.

Commit: be dedicated to (something).

This is what I mean. What I meant. This is Commitmeant.

Whoa. Did not expect to find this this morning. In fact, I had no idea what to write about. Almost didn’t.

Hmmm. Lots to reflect on now. Sorry I got distracted. Out of time.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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