Category Archives: Project 180

Results: Project 180, Day 33


Well, gotta say, I am rather pleased with the results of the kids’ first formal Performance Opportunity. All seem to have put their best efforts into the task despite the fact that their grade, their A is already in the books. That is not to say, that each met the standard. To be sure, many did, but many have a ways to go, and because of the P-180 approach to learning, they will have other opportunities; they have to have other opportunities. Learning is not a line; learning is a circle. In the P-180 classroom learning, not covering, is the goal. Therefore, we will continue to cycle back to the Super-Student Standards, giving kids as many chances as necessary to grow within the standard. And really, that is a key difference in the P-180 classroom.

Whether it is a Practice Opp. or a Performance Opp, growth is the goal. Each opportunity, practice or performance, is an opportunity for feedback on how to reach that growth goal. And though some of the kids are still warming up to the idea that feedback is critical, not personal, the vast majority are seeming to embrace it as a necessary means to a necessary end, and as such, they have begun to let go of the emotional responses that have been generally associated with teachers’ judgments of their efforts, emotional responses that sometimes unconsciously but almost always inevitably impact learning. My great hope is that as we continue down the P-180 path, all will arrive at a point where they fully trust my approach and begin to immerse themselves in the growth opportunities. That is probably too much to hope for, but I am motivated by the fact that only 33 days in, a good many are already there. I will continue to work hard at earning their trust. Every day.

On to another topic, today the kids will begin their blogs. I am so excited about this part of their My-Learning Projects. Using Google’s Blogger, the kids will create and maintain a blog for their projects, reaching a real audience. What’s cool is that they have a great deal of creative control, and what’s even cooler–from my position–is that I will get to help them develop their craft as writers in an authentic context. So much of what we attempt to teach kids doesn’t stick because it lacks an anchor, a relevant and meaningful experience to keep hold of the learning, but I am hoping that the blog experience provides an adequate anchor to make stick all that I intend to toss their way. Truly excited about where this could lead.

Happy Monday, all. Have a great week.

The Voices Within: Project 180, October 15, 2016

Not many comments this week. On another note, I am pleased to share that the Performance Opportunities are showing good signs of growth. I am halfway through the pile, and I am happy with the kids’ efforts. No surprise, but the ones who got feedback on the practice are doing better on the performance. Hopefully, this will motivate more to take advantage of the practice opportunities and the feedback that comes from it. Feedback fuels learning.

“We are getting tons of assignments, and then we don’t know if we turn them in or not in class. Can we throw away all those loose completed-in-class assignments, please???” –Anonymous

Anonymous, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will work harder to be more clear about what we will do and turn in, and what we will do and not turn in. Sorry I have not been as clear about this as I could be. As for the “loose assignments,” if I have not collected it, I am not going to, but some may be worth keeping to use on performance opportunities. Again, I will try to be more helpful with this. As for anything that I have returned,  you may throw it away, I am keeping everything that I want kept in your portfolio. Hope this helps.

“Hey, Sy. I’ve been trying not to take advantage of the this class; however, I haven’t turned in many assignments. I think it’s because any slack I can get, I take because I have all honors classes and after school activities, and it’s just hard to get everything done. I am trying to turn in more class work.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, I am glad that you are seeking to balance your crazy schedule in a way that also enables you to take advantage of the practice opportunities in this class. Hopefully, our heart-to-heart as a class this week helps in this regard. 

“I like the entry tasks and how they don’t have to do with class. They are just fun little questions to start the class; sometimes they are more serious and other times they are not, and I like that. Also, I don’t mind the EOW because I don’t think having a longer EOW would help. A small one once a week isn’t asking much of us if you think about it.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, glad that you find value in our “connections” entry tasks. Thank you for your mature perspective on the EOW’s. Hopefully, our discussion this week resonated with you as it confirmed your thinking on the subject.

“Hey, Sy. I just wanted to say thanks for giving us the opportunity to learn and not stress about schoolwork. I appreciate it greatly. I feel that in your class I have learned not only about literature and sentence structure but also about life. I would like to thank you for that.” –Anonymous

Hey, Anonymous, I just wanted to say thank you for thanking me. Project 180 feels lonely at times as I wonder and worry about its impact. Your words help. A lot. Thank you.

Have a great weekend, all.

Community: Project 180, Day 32


Today, we build community. I tend to make promises, and recently, in response to a call for more Community Circle, I promised the kids that we would have it once a month. Going a step farther, it was suggested and then agreed upon that we would have it on the first Friday of each month, but since it was after the fact and I already had other plans, this month we are doing it on the second Friday. Promise kept.

As the name suggests, Community Circle is an activity where we sit as a community in a big circle on the floor, responding to prompts both serious and fun, building relationships, creating culture. Kids may share, pass, or ask for a comeback if they are not ready to respond. It is such a great opportunity to simply focus on what matters most in any classroom: the people who fill it. Indeed, I get to learn about the kids. The kids get to learn about each other, and no less importantly, the kids get to learn about me. Additionally, it is an opportunity to further develop the art of good listening. In so many ways it truly is a win, win. Yes, it is a day away from the academic aspects of our experience, but from the very bottom of my being, I believe that real learning requires real relationships. And real relationships are not lucky accidents; they are hard work. They live and breathe, and they need to be nurtured. I choose the work of relationships because learning is no lucky accident either. It, too, needs a steward, and I have found that I best serve that end when I am connected to my kids. Community Circle creates connections. And so, as promises go, this is an easy one to keep.

Speaking of community, yesterday I received an email from Jerry Dawson, a high school English and journalism teacher in East Windsor, New Jersey. His former college professor, Dr. Wilbur Sowder from The College of New Jersey, forwarded yesterday’s blog post to him, and Jerry wanted to offer his words of encouragement for Project 180. I had no idea that the word of the project had arrived on the East Coast, but I was thrilled to learn that our community is growing. Welcome Jerry and Dr. Sowder! We are pleased to have you as members of our small community.

Happy Friday, all. West Coast peeps be safe in the storm.

Milestone: Project 180, Day 31

Thirty one days in, and we have reached an important milestone in Project 180. The first formal assessment is in the books…well, it is soon to be.  A lot of work remains for me, but the kids’ work is done. And now, at this juncture in the journey, I can take stock, reflect, and seek out better as we make our way to the next milestone in the Project’s evolution. Do. Learn. Do Better.

Here are some random ruminations running around in my head that have led to some revelations/changes in the first month.

  1. In line with my belief that my primary role as a teacher is that of an opportunity provider and possibility peddler, I have begun calling our work and assessments by different names. Our work will now be called “practice opportunities,” and our assessments will be called “performance opportunities.” Truly, I feel that both are opportunities to learn, opportunities for feedback–the fuel for learning. And when we give kids the necessary nutrients, growth is possible. Opportunity. Possibility.
  2. Changes bring changes. Names matter. Though I will no doubt slip back into old habits from time-to-time and call it grading, I no longer grade student work. Even more, though I suppose technically it still is, I no longer feel like assessing student work is the most fitting name for what I do. I don’t grade; I don’t really assess; I give feedback. So, I am going to coin a new verb. I “feedback.” I give fuel (feed) back to the kids, so they may grow. So, as it goes, I don’t have a pile of performance opportunities to grade or assess. I have a pile of papers to feedback.
  3. Environment. Stemming from their own experiences, even those who aren’t teachers could generally describe a classroom testing environment. No talking. Eyes on own paper. Cover your answers. Desks clear. Phones away. Tests in by end of period. And so on. We’ve all lived it. Here is what the performance opportunity environment looked like yesterday.
    1. Open resource. Kids could use any assignments, notes, resources at their disposal–a benefit from doing the practice.
    2. No talking. But this was not to prevent cheating. In the P-180 classroom, there is no reason to cheat with an A in the grade book. No talking is simply a way to ensure an optimal, distraction-free opportunity for kids to do their best work. It’s a consideration, not a restriction.
    3. Plugged in. Some kids claim that they do better with music in their ears, and while I have my doubts and reservations, I am trusting them to know best what they need. The proof will be in the performance.
    4. Phones outduring their brain break. My cellphone policy hinges on my promise to give the kids a 3-minute brain break every day, even on performance opp. days. A promise is a promise. So, the kids took their 3 minutes when they chose. I can’t build trust if I don’t give them opportunities to be trustworthy.
    5. No Time. Though nearly all finished, a few each period needed extended time, so I let them take the PO home. It’s all about their demonstrating their abilities against the standard. I want them to have what they need to do their best. If that’s time, it is an easy give. I suppose they could con someone into doing it for them, but really, in the end, it serves no purpose. It won’t affect their grade, only their learning. I have to trust.

Of course, I have more “random” running through my brain that I will capture and share another time, but for now, I’m out of time. Gotta get ready to provide opportunity and peddle possibility. The journey continues.

Happy Thursday, all.



Withdrawal: Project 180, Day 30

Yesterday, I made a withdrawal on an investment. It was not planned, but the moment found me, and I moved on it. It happened as I was wrapping up the last few feedback conferences in 6th period. The conversation below was the catalyst.

Cheyenne: (quietly, anxiously) Hey, Sy, can I still turn in those essays that I didn’t do?

Me: Of course. Always. If you find value in doing them. Is it because they are showing up as missing in the grade book?

Cheyenne: Well, no. Yes. I mean. I just feel bad for not doing them.

Me: Okay, but I don’t want you to feel bad. I don’t take it personally. Of course I am disappointed that you didn’t do them, because I believe you are missing out on opportunities. But I am not going to hold it against ya, kiddo.

Cheyenne: (with sincerity) But I want to do them.

Me: Well, of course you can, but I maybe have a better idea. Let’s chalk it up as what’s done is done. We are not so far along that you are being left behind, and there will be plenty other practice opportunities around these skills, so let’s not worry about catching up on what’s passed; let’s instead focus on what’s to come. The choice is yours chica, but I’d rather see you take this experience and commit to making a more concerted effort to capitalize on future opportunities, than overwhelming yourself with both. Okay?

Cheyenne: Okay. Thank you.

That concluded the conferences, and I was then on to helping kids with their My Learning projects, circulating around the room, engaging them in conversations about their topics, helping them find that “just-right” EQ. But, as I circulated, I reflected. I reflected on my moments-ago conversation with Cheyenne about her missing work. I reflected on the feedback–push back–I was still getting on the essay of the week. I reflected on some private doubts that occasionally seep into brain about 180. And, then, I decided. I decided it was time. It was time to make a withdrawal on the thirty days of deposits that I had put into P-180 and the kids.

It was in the last few minutes of the period. I asked for the kids’ attention. Sat in front them. And began by sharing–with permission–Cheyenne’s and my conversation. One, I wanted to show her that she was not alone. Two, I wanted to use it as leverage to get my less-productive kids to reflect on their own choices a month into the year. And, finally, three, I wanted to use it as an opportunity to continue my ongoing efforts to get the kids to see learning differently. And, it was then that I decided to make a withdrawal by calling kids out with a let’s-get-real/tough-love conversation about their learning. It went a little like this.

“Okay, since we’re here, I’m gonna call a big fat BS on the essay-of-the-week bashing. First, generally speaking, the ones complaining aren’t the ones doing. And if you’re not doing them, I’m not entirely sure what you’re whining about. And quite frankly, as time goes on, the less you do, the less I am willing to listen. Sorry.

Second, let’s take a closer look at what it is that I am asking you to do with the essay. It is a practice opportunity. It is a structured activity for you to practice getting your thoughts on paper in an organized, purpose-driven manner. I have set a 250 word maximum, asking you to spend no more than 15-20 minutes. 15-20 minutes per week. When was the last time that any of your other teachers gave you 20 minutes of homework–for the week? The week. And on top of that, more or less, I generally provide at least that much time in class, so really for some, it’s never homework. Beyond that, it is my opportunity to give you feedback on one, never more than two, learning targets, directly linked to upcoming performance opportunities. In addition, you have made a lot of comments about the EOW’s, and I have listened and responded. I have not only stated and restated my case for them, but I have also indicated that I will find ways to lighten the load when I can. This week, I did not give you an EOW because we have an assessment. And, last week, your EOW was a “3-sentence essay. This is too much?

And, finally, third, let’s take a look at your learning. Your learning. I have given you ownership, and with that comes responsibility. And frankly, some of you have yet to take that responsibility, and that worries me. If you are not practicing, you’re probably not learning. Learning requires feedback. And if you are not turning practice into me, I can’t give you feedback. And you are missing out.

So, what’s the plan, chicos? We are a month in, and there have not been so many missed opportunities, but as we continue down this path, a path that is not going to change, I’m not sure how many opportunities you can afford to miss. I am here. I will give you all I have–all, but that is not enough. In the end it comes down to you; it comes down to how much you give. I think it’s time to start giving yourself more, young friends. After all, It’s your learning.”

And the period ended. Abigail gave me a fist bump and thanked me for the pep talk, the rest of the kids said “laters,” and we went on our way. I’d like to think that my withdrawal yesterday did not put me in the red, for I believe I have made ample deposits to this point, but if it did upset the balance, I will continue making deposits until all is righted. I have two more withdrawals to make in 2nd and 3rd period. Ah, the many pleasures of teaching.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Ever Better: Project 180, Day 29

Yes, feedback is critical, not personal, but when it’s delivered personally, it’s not taken quite so critically.

In yesterday’s post about learning stories, I remarked that the Do-Learn-Do Better approach to learning is not only something I push on my kids, but it is also something that I push on myself–both personally and professionally. It is how I try to live my life. And yesterday, as I sat down to help my kids pen their next pages with my feedback on a practice activity, I added a few lines to my own learning story.

If I plugged it into the template that I shared yesterday, it would go something like this.

What I did: Over the weekend, I spent a lot of time poring over kids’ practice activities, writing lengthy comments, indicating if they hit the target, providing feedback for growth. I promised them that I would have it back to them before the assessment on Wednesday, and I was able to get 2nd and 3rd period done, but 6th would have to wait till Tuesday, which was not ideal, but I would still honor my pledge to get it back before the assessment. So, as the kids continued working on their My Learning Projects, I sat down with each kid in 2nd and 3rd, sharing my feedback, giving tips for a better performance on the assessment. This went well.

Bummed that I did not have 6th done, I decided part way through 3rd period that I would just sit down with kids during 6th and assess it on the spot, verbalizing face-to-face my feedback in real time. This went better. I’ll explain.

What I learned: Rather, what I remembered. I’ve known for a long time now that I can get more done in a shorter amount of time in a face-to-face conference with a kiddo than I can writing lengthy comments in isolation.  But for some reason, I forget, and I revert back to old habits, spending way too much time writing way too many comments that the kids won’t likely read anyway. It’s not efficient. But my learning yesterday was more than a reminder about efficient practice.

About halfway through 3rd period, I realized that my conferencing with the kids was simply my reading my comments to them. Of course, it wasn’t just that. I also attempted to set their minds at ease, assuring them gently that my feedback was critical, not personal, wishing them luck on the upcoming assessment, yada, yada, yada. And, at this point, it dawned on me that I could just sit down with kids during 6th and get it done. And I did, but I also learned something along the way.

Yes, feedback is critical, not personal, but when it’s delivered personally, it’s not taken quite so critically. With pen in hand in isolation, I become the distant critic of the work. Sitting beside a kid, I become the caring coach, offering a critique of their performance.  And while the content of my feedback is basically the same, the delivery and reception of my feedback take on a different feel, as the student and I engage in a real dialogue about their learning, a sweet symphony of the verbal and non-verbal, striving for harmony.  Indeed, the song was better sung 6th period.

What I will do next time: Next time, I will not forget. Next time, I will remember that I can do so much more for kids in person than I can in isolation. Of course the struggle has always been and will continue to be carving out the necessary time. But I can and will make it happen. I have to. It may be the most important role I can play in their stories. Next time, I will do better. Ever better. Next time…

Happy Tuesday, all. ‘Til next time.


Tell Me a Story: Project 180, Day 28


So, I am trying to instill in my kiddos that their learning is a story. And for that I am trying to provide a script. Generally speaking, I am wary of scripts, for sometimes our “scripting kids” is more harmful than helpful, too often leading to their fixed mindsets about not only school but also themselves. But the following is a script that I can get behind. In fact, it is at the center of 180, and importantly, it is at the center of my own learning stories, both professional and personal.

Really, the script is pretty simple. Do. Learn. Do Better. If my kids can do this, can “write this,” then I am confident they are learning. So, intentionally, I create consistent opportunities for them to capture the chapters of their learning. Below is such an opportunity, which went along with their second learning log of the year, another page in their stories.

My Learning Stories #2 (9/24 – 10/6)

Topic: Learning Experiences in Room 211

Audience: Parents and Syrie

Purpose: Analyze and Interpret, Express and Reflect

Prompt: Select a learning focus for which you have received feedback from me on a specific practice activity. Analyze my feedback in relation to the criteria and your work, then complete the template below. Please attach the specific practice activity to your learning log.

What I did (briefly explain the assignment): 

What I learned (summarize my feedback/suggestions for growth):

What I will do next time (explain how you will use my feedback to do better next time):

Essentially, the “Do” is what they did. The “Learn” is the feedback I provide. And the “Do Better” is the next time. Thus, “scripts” in hand, the kids set out to capture, to write their learning stories. They are due today, but as they began on Friday and came to me for guidance, three types of tales began to emerge.

Three Tales

Tale #1. These stories were the most common. The kids, as the prompt required, looked through their portfolios for evidence in the form of specific practice activities for which I had given feedback. For the most part, they were pretty straightforward and went something like this.

What I did (briefly explain the assignment): In the first essay of the week, I used a “Have-you-ever hook,” which Sy has now outlawed, so in the second EOW, I tried one of the 18 “legal” hooks he provided. This time, I used an anecdote.

What I learned (summarize my feedback/suggestions for growth): So, I got positive feedback on my hook type, but I forgot to bring it back in my conclusion, creating a full-circle effect. I got so focused on the beginning that I didn’t even think about revisiting my hook in the end.

What I will do next time (explain how you will use my feedback to do better next time): Next time I will do both. I will focus on the beginning, but I will also focus on the end. Glad there’s a next time (okay, doubt any kids will actually say this, but I hope they at least think it. 🙂 ).


Tale #2. These stories were less common, but there were more of them than I would have liked. These stories involved kids who had little or no practice with feedback. So, inevitably, discovering that they really had no story to tell, they came to me for help. I obliged, telling them that they had a story indeed; they just had to be honest. Their stories go something like this. And these stories may be even more important than the ones above.

What I did (briefly explain the assignment): I haven’t really done anything. I don’t really have any evidence to use as material for my story.

What I learned (summarize my feedback/suggestions for growth): I need to start doing more practice, so I can get feedback, so I can learn.

What I will do next time (explain how you will use my feedback to do better next time): I am going to start doing the EOW’s because I now see that Sy is using them as a way to give me feedback.


Tale #3. These stories were the least common. They involved kids who had essentially “met standard” on all that I had put in front of them. They, unlike those in the previous tale, had plenty of evidence; in fact they had all of it, so the first two parts were no problem. They were having a hard time with the “next time” part. So, I helped them.

What I did (briefly explain the assignment): I have done all the practice in this class.

What I learned (summarize my feedback/suggestions for growth): I have learned that so far I am pretty much on target with where Sy wants me to be.

What I will do next time (explain how you will use my feedback to do better next time): From here on, I will either find ways to challenge myself or work with Sy to find ways to take my learning further.

Different tales, yes, but all important in their own ways. I am excited to read their latest chapters. I hope as they become more experienced and comfortable with their authorship, they begin to see it as a critical component of their learning. I hope, too, that some other notions begin to sink in and set in their perceptions when it comes to the role of feedback in their learning. To that end, I placed the following propaganda in front them on Friday as well (see board above).

Feedback is the fuel of learning. Believe this from the bottom of my heart. I would even go on to suggest that without it, learning is not happening. So, if truly it is the fuel, I will continue to “feed” them. Pun intended. Can’t move forward if the vehicle won’t run. Gotta have fuel. I have a ready, rich supply.

Feedback is critical, not personal. Easier said than heard. Unfortunately, feedback is rarely warmly received, especially critical feedback. But critical feedback is…well, critical. I have to be able to be honest with kiddos about their performances against the established criteria. And so I am. I have to be. And that doesn’t always set well with them. So I work very hard to temper it. Fortunately, we have the growth-mindset anchor to fall back on, and I can rely on “yet.” As such, I used that word a fair amount as I gave the kids critical feedback on their pre-assessment practice this weekend. Unfortunately, despite my efforts to soften my judgment, some will still take it personally. But I hope as our journey continues, I am able to change their views on feedback; that they learn to trust the intent behind the words.

Happy Monday, all. Big week ahead. So proud of my kids. If P-180 achieves even a trace of success, I will owe it all to them.  They rock.



The Voices Within: Project 180, October 8, 2016

“I am so proud of this one.” –Vivian.

Yesterday, as she placed her essay of the week on my desk, Vivian, beaming brightly, shared the above sentiment, grabbing my attention, making my entire day. Glancing quickly at her theme statement, I congratulated her success and tucked her essay away in the rest of the pile. Then, this morning, shuffling through my feedback cards, I discovered that there was more to the story.

“Since I didn’t take Honors LA my freshmen year, I didn’t have as much knowledge for themes as other people did. So, for the first theme we had to write, mine was horrible. BUT when we worked with our group to write a theme with Sy’s help and worksheets, I learned how to write a great theme.” –Vivian

Here is Vivian’s proud accomplishment.

“Since our society influences the way we perceive things, often times, we are subconsciously forced to disregard the positive interpretation of things and focus on what society frowns upon.”

Mucho proud of this. So glad to be a part of Vivian’s learning story. I can’t wait for the next chapter. Here are the rest of the kids’ comments from the week.

“I think that instead of writing a lot of 3 paragraph essays every week we should do a larger one every like 2-3 weeks.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, the “larger” writing assignments are coming. The EOW is not going away. I think it is valuable practice. It challenges you to generate and articulate your ideas on a regular basis, and it gives me an opportunity to give you targeted feedback on a regular basis, too. Sorry. Probably not what you wanted to hear. Of course, there’s always the option to not do the EOW.

“For an essay of the week or something, I think if we did a topic about a current event that’s happening. It would be good for us. Mostly because a lot of us have opinions on them…”          –Anonymous

Anonymous, I agree. Up till now, I have tried to tie the EOW to the Text of the Week in order to connect our work, but on occasion, I can certainly select more timely topics. I might even consider letting you guys select your own topics as long as you still address the feedback target for the week. I’ll pay it some thought.

“I wish we could pour a lot of time (class time hopefully) and effort into one really good essay that takes like a month to write instead of churning out a bunch of low-effort essays. It gets stressful because they take a lot of time, even though we haven’t had much class time to practice or learn. A better use of time would be quick 3 sentence essays each week. They’re great practice and much shorter, so they’re easier to put effort into.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, as for the longer essays, see previous response to a similar concern. As for the 3-sentence essay, I agree, and when I can use that over a full 3-paragraph essay, I will.

“I think the essays are gonna be less done, so we should do a larger one whenever you think necessary. Just not every week!!–Anonymous

Anonymous, please see previous responses.

“Project 180 is wonderful. We can focus more on the learning than the grade. I don’t really like the EOW. We should do one every other week.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, please see previous responses.

“I love the idea that the work is optional because it helps me focus on doing homework I have in other classes, but I also feel like I can’t learn if we aren’t doing things in class because otherwise, I’m not motivated to do the work.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I tried to give you guys a lot more class time this week, and I will be conscious of it in the future. I hope this helps.

“I feel like you pass out TOO MANY papers. Can we limit the the amount of papers by using Google Classroom more?” –Lily

Lily, I hear you. I am working towards that. The biggest obstacle at present is that we only get the Chrome Books 2 days a week, so “paper” is still my default. On top of that, I worry about not all kids having access to wi-fi outside of school. But I wonder if we could make a digital option for those who do. I don’t know. Maybe we should discuss this as a class next week.

“I appreciate how willing you are to work with your students. I think that no homework is a great set-up for an LA Honors class. It take so much pressure off from my other AP and Honors classes. However, I would be hesitant to implement this in other classes, like a science class.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, I , too, wonder if this would work in other subjects. I would like to believe that it could/would, but I simply don’t know. 

“I do like this class; however, I don’t think we should spend as much time as we do on things like reflections, opening questions, and quests… We could have more time to do work, etc. without those. Maybe we could make up for the Q’s, reflections, and openers with more community circle.”–Anonymous

Anonymous, thank you for sharing your concerns. Hopefully, the modifications I made last week helped somewhat. But I will not be moving away from these things completely, I believe they serve an important role in creating and sustaining our culture and community. Still, I can try to be creative in how we do them.

“I love this system although my parents still expect me to turn in all of the assignments and essays. So, even though, the grade would allow me to be more relaxed in this class, I am still a bit overwhelmed by all the assignments I need to turn in…” –Anonymous

Anonymous, please know that I am both thrilled and sorry for your situation. I am thrilled that your parents take such an active role in your education, but I am sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed. I hope for you it ends up being one of those things that you appreciate later when you realize that it benefited you in the end. I hope. I will work hard on my end to help you arrive at that end.

🙂 –Anonymous

Anonymous, 🙂

“Just wanted to let you know I am only not doing the essays of the week because of all the other homework I have in math, history, and science. I am not just blowing it off because I get an A, and I will try to start doing them.” –Anonymous

Anonymous, glad that you have found some motivation. Maybe start by doing one every other week. That’s better than not at all, yes?

“I really really like this class! I think it’s the perfect mixture between fun and serious. The only problem I have is that I have a lot of homework in other classes, and I tend to push this class to the side, especially the essay of the week. So, the next time we have an essay of the week, I’m going to do it over the weekend and not do it last minute or not at all. Thanks for everything you are doing though! –Anonymous

Anonymous, see previous response. Maybe it would work for you, too?

“This class is amazing because he is very flexible when it comes to the work. We are in charge of our learning, which I like. If I do not get my work done, it’s not an “F.” It’s a missed opportunity. –Layla

Layla, thank you for making my year. If I were to provide a script for what I hoped a student might say about 180, this would be it. Exactly it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So grateful that the kids feel free enough to tell me how it is. I hope they keep it up. We’ve got a long ways to go, and I am lucky to have such great company.



Unexpected: Project 180, Day 27



Well, when one teaches kids first and content second, sometimes things go differently than planned. Oh, we certainly managed to get through what I had planned for the day, but there were a few “unexpecteds” along the way.

First, food. So, when I set out to provide a student store this year, I imagined that I would have a few snacks available for kids in addition to the expected school staples of pens, pencils, paper, etc. Then, due to the kindness of community, both known and anonymous, the Sy’s Student Store grew to something more.

Yesterday, through the compassion and coordination of Jessica Deutsch and Kelly Depner, I was able to help feed hungry kids with the donation pictured above. Cheney Middle School, in partnership with Communities in Schools, had surplus food to share, and they, aware of what I was doing to help feed kids, generously offered the above bounty of apples, carrots, bread, potatoes, and Nutter Butters.  At first, I was a bit reluctant because I wasn’t sure if my method of distribution would be efficient enough to keep with the items’ limited shelf lives, but I wanted to try, and I’m glad I did. By day’s end, it was mostly gone, and I’m confident that it will be by today’s end. I am so grateful and proud to be a part of the Cheney community; there are so many kind, generous people who want to help, who want to make a difference. And they are. Because of recent feed-the-kid events like this, conversations are being started at the district level to find more ways to sustain a steady supply of food for our kids. Thank you Jessica and Kelly for making a difference. Hungry kids can’t learn. And kids shouldn’t ever be hungry. Ever.

Second unexpected: sleep. Had a first yesterday. Had a young lady ask me if she could put her head down and sleep for ten minutes. Oh, I have had kids nod off before during some of my marathon-mouth moments–I could barely stay awake, too, but this was different. She needed a nap. There’s more to the story. She lives with narcolepsy. I was aware of this, for she told me, insisting that I not take it personally should she nod off, but up till now she had managed to fight off the urge to nod–a struggle that I have witnessed regularly. But today was different, the struggle too real. So, of course, I consented. She assured that me all her work was done, and that she only need ten minutes. The rest of kids were working, and they are generally aware of her situation, so I didn’t think it would call too much attention;  it was an easy yes. Interestingly, she is doing her My Learning project on narcolepsy, hoping to deepen not only her but society’s understanding with her EQ: What is it like to live with narcolepsy? Now, thinking back on the situation, imagining that a principal walked in and wanted to know why a kid was sleeping in class, I would have been happy to reply that she was simply doing research for her project.

Happy Friday, all.

Charged: Project 180, Day 26

I’ve said it before. I will no doubt say it again. And I will say it now. Nothing charges my batteries like helping kids learn. Perhaps sensing my weariness yesterday, the kids leaned on me, asking me for help, inviting me to do what I do. Of course, one might think they’d do the opposite and let me lean on them, but they needed me. No time to slack. They needed me. And yesterday, turns out, it’s all I needed, too. Recharge complete. Piper paid.

One thing that I love about 180 is that it creates a more genuine opportunity to break down barriers between students and teachers. With grades gone and the pretense of points passed, I have discovered that my engagement with the kids has taken on an authentic, let’s-learn feel. It’s not about the grade; it’s about the learning. And, as I have intimated before, it feels like trust. And, man, that feels good. Good.

Yesterday, Jane (name changed) offered her trust. In an ongoing effort to grasp firmly clauses and phrases by year’s end, we are currently working with compound sentences, setting the stage for complex sentences, venturing into the vast wilderness of dependent clauses.  Generally speaking, our work with compounds is review with our focus mostly on correctly joining independent clauses with the three types of “glue.” Anyway, not long into the trek sixth period, Jane’s hand appeared, and I made my way to her group. Expecting her to ask me for help with compounds, she revealed a different need. This was the start of our conversation.

Jane: (quiet voice) Sy, no one ever really taught me subjects and predicates.

Me: Okay. No biggie. We’ll do it now. We’ll catch you up. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

And though we were being quiet, Jane sits with five other kids, and they could not help but hear, and so I noticed as we went on, most were tuned in, likely needing a “refresher,” too.  So, then, I proceeded, reminding her that even if she didn’t fully know the ins and outs of subs and preds, she had her ears, and she could trust them to help her with finding and writing independent clauses. That said, I gave her some operational tests for finding simple subjects and simple predicates, pointing to the relationship between the subject and verb. Then, we did some practice together, and that was that.

Of course, I am not so naive or arrogant to believe that she is now in full, firm grasp of subs and preds simply because I gave her some help, but she is farther along than she was, and it all happened because she took the first–and maybe most important–step in learning by acknowledging and then communicating that she needed help. And, as we know, that is not easy for anyone. I have found in my second year of teaching honors kids that it is especially tough for them. They have been conditioned to hide weakness, and asking for help is a risk, so by and large they don’t, and assumptions are made by teachers about these kids, and as a result, I think they are under-served, even neglected.

I hope to change that with P-180. Yes, I have made some changes in how I teach, but the biggest change that I am looking for, and the biggest change that will make any real difference, is the change in the kids. I want to believe that Jane’s asking me for help yesterday was born out of a genuine desire to learn, a desire to build and better herself. Please know that I am not suggesting that this doesn’t happen in other classes. I am simply suggesting that this is the at the core of the 180 classroom, an opportunity for kids to discover the value of their commitment to their own learning.

And so, I am fully charged, ready to run to keep up with my kids as they venture out, discovering their worlds, discovering themselves.

Happy Thursday, all.
