Day Fifteen. As I mentioned yesterday, it’s time for a change. Up to now, we have been doing daily Smiles and Frowns via a Google Doc in Google Classroom. I start each day by sharing a new smile and frown with each of my classes, and then I respond to each kid’s smile and frown from the day before. And while participation has ebbed and flowed over the last three weeks, it has provided a consistent opportunity for connection. But I–we–are ready for something more.
Starting next week, we will begin having Smiles and Frowns via Zoom one day a week for each of my five classes: 2nd period on Monday, 3rd on Tuesday, and so on. I floated the idea to kids, and they responded with enthusiasm, sensing, as I, that it’s time to elevate our Smiles and Frowns game. Admittedly, there will be some logistical and technological challenges–that is not to be helped, but we’ll do with the plan to do better as we move forward. That’s how we do it in room 206–well, at least in spirit now. And this, this change, is just what our spirits need right now, as we continue to discover “our room” beyond the walls.
Happy Friday, all. Be safe.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.