Just go along. It’s that easy. Nod and smile. Close your mouth and your door and go along. It’s not gonna matter; it’s not gonna make a difference. So just keep it to yourself. And go along.
I can’t. Too many wonders and too many worries to go along. I can’t. I haven’t. I won’t. Oh, would that I could. I sometimes wonder (it’s what I do) how much easier my path might have been had I just chosen to go along. And sometimes–just sometimes–I wonder if I could go back, fall into place, and ride the rail set before me and quietly go along into the sunset of retirement. But those moments are fleeting, and I come back to the reality that it’s been too long to go along now.
Yesterday, upon wrestling with wonder and worry, I took to Twitter and proposed starting a wonder-and-worry conversation.

And I will kick it off today. And my hope is that we can engage in some forward thinking about the wonders and worries I present. I have little interest in the same old “solutions” that have been recycled time and again because we can’t or won’t break beyond what’s always been. I think we have to think differently to do differently. But it is hard to break beyond. And many will choose not to, claiming we have it figured out–and not to diminish the hard work that others have done in their own pursuits of better, I am not convinced we can rest here. Better waits. But we’ll never get there by going along. We have to go beyond. Beyond along.
Today’s Trail
Along (maybe a poor choice of words) today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…growing with grammar.
…receiving and responding to feedback.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Tuesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.