Better. Better’s been my word. Whether it’s guiding me as a teacher, a husband, a father, a friend, or a “self,” it’s become my guide as I make my way through the trials and triumphs of my personal and professional life. For much of my life, I thought good or great (sometimes perfect) were the way, but those were not always realistic or healthy pursuits, as I created–and let others create–impossible standards, creating an endless cycle of either feeling a failure when I didn’t or fearing a fraud if I did. So, I discovered better. And it’s made me…better.
I try to pass this on to my kids in the classroom, telling them that the worst they can do is a chance at better. And that assurance has become the hallmark in the 180 classroom for both academics and behavior. A believer in possibility, I choose to make my room a realm of possibility. I can’t promise my kids chances at better if I don’t provide possibility. So, I do. For I believe, as long as they are pursuing better, they are learning. I believe as long as any of us are chasing better, we are learning. I believe in better.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…reconnecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…growing with grammar.
…placing value on values (societal and personal).
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Tuesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.