“Life will go on.”
Bit of a follow up to yesterday’s post. I asked the kids to respond to the two questions below on a note card.

Answers varied, but most focused on learning or not learning. Too many focused on good grade v. bad grade (even after all I have done to combat this thinking). Some, as the quote above shows, were brutally honest. And some were rather thoughtful.
“I will have a chance to learn more about myself and the world.”
I collected their note cards, and then I gave them support in the form of time to read. Of course, ever seeking authenticity to a fault, I let them know that I would not babysit them about their phones or homework from other classes, but I would hold them accountable to maintaining a noise level (silence) for an optimal reading environment. And, they read. By and large, they read.
When we reach our deadline this week, I will pass back their note cards and ask them to respond to the following questions on the back.
- Did you read Night?
- Why?
- Are you okay with your choice?
- Why?
I will also ask those who finished to add their names to the “Memory Pledge” I presented yesterday.

We are reading to remember, and so I want the kids to take pride in their being members of the collective consciousness who have vowed never to forget. Above all, I want that for them.
For during reading, I will ask the kids to keep track of universal themes that Elie explores in each of the chapters as a resource for their final. I will also ask them to capture “lasting lines,” lines that will stick with them, that will become their memory. I recently asked them to identify their own “lasting lines,” lines they’d like their own readers to carry and keep from their own stories for our Wisdom Writers project. My hope here is that they see the power of story–others’ and their own.

Today will be day two for reading, for remembering. I hope that compels my young learners to read. It’s the only trick I have left in the bag.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…reading to remember.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Tuesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.