Day Sixteen. Thought I would share this week’s distance learning assignment. As of now, we are being asked to provide one assignment per class per week. The assignments should be review and should take students no more than an hour to complete. Last week we had a reading assignment, so this week we decided to go with a writing assignment.
As such, we decided to ask kids to reflect on their experiences in isolation and to express how they are doing. Trying to create some novelty and relevance, we asked kids to send a message to the world in a bottle. The full assignment is below. We will share this with them via Google Classroom or as a hard copy for those without internet access (our district has worked hard to support these kids). We will then give them feedback. But beyond the feedback, we also wanted to connect with kids on a more personal level as they share their stories from their respective desert islands.

Happy Monday, all. Hope all is well with you and yours. Take care.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.