I’m a sucker for sentiment. I am moved by moments. And when I am moved so, my face leaks a bit, and tears stream down my face.
It was a quiet moment. I was in my traditional district professional-development perch in our middle school gym, the top right corner, last Friday when I was moved by a clip from the making of The Greatest Showman. No one knew I had sprung a leak, but I did.
Our guest speaker, Kevin Parker, shared the clip below, using it as an example of what’s possible when we are connected, when we are supported by those in our “inner loops.” And while he was not talking about my classroom–he doesn’t even know me, I wanted to believe he was talking about my classroom, for that was where I was immediately transported as I thought about my intentional work to create connections with and for my kids.
I was moved. I am moved. As many of you know, the first role I ask my kids to play in my room is themselves.
Role #1: Yourself. This is your most important role. I need you to be who you are. I realize that the setting in which we find ourselves sometimes impacts our ability to be ourselves, but my hope is that the classroom community and culture we create during our time together will give each of us the comfort and confidence to be who we are. This is the role that matters most to me as I join you in your journey this year. I am excited to know YOU.
As I watched this clip, I found myself hoping that when my kids come to my room, they might be singing this song in their heads as they show us daily who they are through Smiles and Frowns. More, when they have their moments, those times when they more formally share their work, they feel like they have found their voices, they feel like they’ve stepped away from the podium and shined their lights.
I have always been a sentimental fool, and that was on quiet display Friday as I sat in the darkened gym thinking about my kids. But fool or no, it is what want for my kids. In fact, I will show them this clip as we continue our work with identity this semester, and I will also rename our “Project Identity,” “Project This Is Me.” Silly old man, me.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…reconnecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…playing the prep game (informational passage).
…the joy of personal reading.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…considering and discussing Why with Sy.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Tuesday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
No one thinks your humanity and caring is silly, old man Sy. (I’m being familiar here calling you that, but I rather liked the play on words). You keep on keeping on and show yourself to be true. Keep showing your kids and sharing with the rest of us. We’ll keep impacting those around us and it will ripple out and be so completely incredible. “This is me” moment/person at a time.
Ha ha. Thank you, Michele. Yes, the ripple.
Thank you for sharing that clip! I’m leaking as well.
Sorry. Thank you.