Morning, all. Due to high winds and power outages, we ended up not having school yesterday, and apparently, we may not have it again today with power not fully restored throughout the area. Not a big deal, but this will throw off my day count for Project 180, but I am just going to roll with it and amend it at the end. I think something like this happened last year, too.
In years past, I used to lament the loss of instructional time from “snow days,” especially since they were days that we could not get back before state testing. And now, I cringe at such consideration. Yes, once–and for longer than I’d like to admit–I worried about such nonsense as state testing. But I have since learned, and I worry about more important things like loss of connection time. More, I celebrate the break for my kids. And I have learned to celebrate the break for myself, too. I used to use the extra time to get less-behind on work, but now I use the extra time to get less-behind on life, on myself. The work will be there when we get back. And the best thing we can do is let it be there and let ourselves be here–away. We all need a day away sometimes, and when those days come, we should heed the call. Let’s call them “okay days.” It’s okay.
Happy Thursday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.