Day Eight. Was able to make “official contact” with my kids today. As we have waited on direction from the state, things have been in a holding pattern as we try to create a plan that creates an equitable experience for kids. And though we will certainly have to make adjustments as we journey forth, we are poised to move forward with the academic side of things starting Monday, March 30.
Of course, as this is uncharted territory, I am not entirely sure yet–will know more in the next few days–what this is going to look like. So, for now, I am planning to go with the flow, and even though I find the situation less-than-ideal, I believe we are attempting to do what we can until we learn better. Seems it’s all we can do. It’s a step.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
Being in limbo is one of the toughest things about this. We’re on “spring break,” and our term ends April 3rd. I have no grades for my students, yet I have to wait until TUESDAY of NEXT WEEK to have the discussion with them on what they believe they should get. I want them to have a say, yet I will have four days to get them to share their voices. Limbo stinks. Once I can have that step, I’ll be feeling a tiny bit better, too. Hang in there, and hang on for the ride!
Hi, Joy. Yes, limbo stinks, but it stinks less knowing I am not alone. Thank you for checking and chiming in. Always appreciate your perspective. Take care.
Best advice right there: Go with the flow/Do what we can. My new mantra, I found in a meme the other day,
“You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day.
Just relax. Master the day.
Then, just keep doing that every day.”
Good morning, Kristin. Thank you for checking in. I appreciate your wise words. Hope you are well.