A Part Apart: Project 180, Day 50

It’s still a little odd for me to be on the edge, but I find myself there more and more these days. Used to not be. I was always center. Thought I had to be. So I was. And from there I  talked. A lot. I like to talk. I got used to it, so I stayed there, convinced the more and better I talked, the more my kids would benefit. What a gift I was giving them.

That was then. Now I find myself pushed to the edge, away from center, with a new role: listener. And as I listen, I learn, but as I listen I want. I want to be a part. And I am, I guess. In truth, I work hard to be a part. I want to be, I work to be connected to my kids. However, all the want and work in the world will not fully fill the gap, and I will remain apart, and as such, I will only ever be a part.

And that puts me on the edge, removed. And that’s okay, for when I am away, they can be themselves. And it is then when I fully embrace the edge as I quietly, intently listen. I hear their hearts, their hopes, their wonders, their woes, their weirdness, their world. Their world from which I am apart and only a part. But what a gift. What a gift they are giving me.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…conferencing about progress with Truth Projects.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

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